Monday 20 August 2012

Golden Fleece

Our woolly friends are proving popular with my latest customers- the local knitting circle.
No sooner than they are sheared the wool turns up again in the form of a cute scarf or a thick jumper. I'm even thinking of getting some for the sheep for winter. I think they will look rather natty in different shades of blue and pink. And there's another advantage. They will be even easier for my rather short sighted sheepdog to spot at a distance.
Time to get the shears sharpened!

A peaceful scene

Smile for the camera!

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Fields of Gold

Summer is passing rapidly and things are calming down on the farm.
We've had sunshine, rain, hail storms and gales.
Sunsets have been few and far between but when we have had them, they've been magnificent. Gold skies and longer shadows have added to the drama and the animals are making the most of it. In fact I can safely say that their numbers have doubled!
Autumn will bring more antics. Just wait and see the results.

Monday 6 August 2012

The Bigger Picture

Following a successful breeding season and the Olympic ceremony we've decided to expand the farm. We needed a few more acres to accommodate the extra livestock and we have invested in a new tractor.
Everyone now has their own field with enough grass to go around. There's a new hen hut and pig sty. Even the farm house has had a lick of paint.
I've arranged for a big screen TV to be set up in the top field so we can all watch the Olympic closing ceremony together.
It's been a good year so far and autumn is on the horizon. Just look at the results!