Monday 25 June 2012

Bright and Breezy

There were smiles all round as Angus and his concubines made an appearance at the Royal Highland Show in Ingliston near Edinburgh over the weekend.
Being used to cameras by now they were pretty relaxed about it, posing for photos after extensive grooming sessions. What a life!
Back at the Pennine farm it resembled Glastonbury as the heavens opened for three days and three nights. I even considered building an ark for the animals until I remembered that I had more than two of each!
Cows look funny in wellies and the chickens even funnier. Maybe they might start a new trend...

With This Ring

Leggy Cow

Monday 18 June 2012

Green and Pleasant Land

Olympic fever has taken over the farm. The animals' brush with fame has made them hungry for more. They have been seen queueing for the auditions for the Olympic opening ceremony.

Angus and his mates think it's a load of bull (but secretly Angus cant wait for a weekend away with his true love).
Over at the hen coop the Colonel has been working his magic and we are expecting some double-yolkers on the big day.
The sheep aren't too impressed-astro-turf doesn't appeal. The pigs, however will eat anything.

If they are successful I might even get a few free tickets, but I wont hold my breath......

A Load of Bull

Love at First Sight

When's it Due?

Sunday 10 June 2012

Cattle Gridlock

News travels fast, doesn't it?

Down on the farm the cattle have got very excited and since the arrival of Aberdeen Angus they've been breeding like, well, cattle!
My stock numbers have been growing so fast I'm having to 'farm' them out to galleries around the UK.

I think I will have to give Angus back soon or we are going to have to find more land.
This should give me a little time to spend on the rest of the livestock. I'm even thinking of investing in a few horses. 

One things for sure- I've got plenty of compost for my lovely roses.

See you soon.

He's Got My Nose

Hey Diddle Diddle

Daisy Picking